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May 30, 2005
Feynman Lives!

Feynman stamp

Yay!  The US Postal Service has just introduced a Richard Feynman stamp!

I actually had dinner with Richard Feynman once.  (!!!)  Not a formal dinner, certainly; this was a barbeque in the summer of '85 or '86 in Cambridge, at a house shared by his son Carl and some other folks who worked at Thinking Machines and Symbolics at the time.  (Hi LindaM!)  Ah, those heady AI days in Cambridge.

But I was able to sit down with the man over a tasty chicken dinner and talk about some of his recent work.  It was an absolutely fascinating discussion. Of course.

'Feynman Lives' bumper sticker

Get your Feynman merchandise at The Tuva Trader.  Like this spiffy "Feynman Lives!" bumper sticker right here.

Also check out RichardFeynman.com for other Feynman news.

And there's a nice bio on Wikipedia.

Posted by DonTillman at May 30, 2005 07:54 AM

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