Diving into the fields of politics, economics and energy, I've just written an article called "A Modest Proposal to Improve the National Energy Policy and Substantially Reduce Energy Waste and the Terrorist Threat".
Crazy, crazy stuff.
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Diving into the fields of politics, economics and energy, I've just written an article called "A Modest Proposal to Improve the National Energy Policy and Substantially Reduce Energy Waste and the Terrorist Threat".
Crazy, crazy stuff.
Could the title be longer, please? :)
My actual reaction is available at my blog... (I couldn't type a full reaction, I was at work!)
Great article! You *should* be running a government agency.
Here's a related Mark Fiore cartoon:
Sorry for the bad link...
The cartoon may eventually appear at http://www.markfiore.com/ without having to view an ad on the Salon site.
Then again, I tried the link I posted and was able to "skip to Salon" at the top of the ad:
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