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August 11, 2009
On Health Care

[added a couple more articles, needed to reformat...]

With socialized medicine in the news these days, I'd like to draw your attention to these articles which present some important reasons why it's a bad thing. The authors all accomplished individuals with significant experience in and around the fields of medicine and health care.

Dr. Scott Atlas:
10 Surprising Facts about American Health Care

A fascinating, concise, well written and well referenced article explaining why American health care doesn't actually suck like the Obama administration claims it does. Dr. Atlas is a Professor of Radiology at Stanford University Medical Center, and the author of over 100 scientific papers.

Popular Mechanics:
Inventor Dean Kamen Says Healthcare Debate "Backward Looking"

Dean Kamen is the inventor of the Segway, and the guy personally responsible for an awful lot of medical innovations.

Charles Krauthammer:
Health Care Reform: A Better Plan

Dr. Charles Krauthammer's take on health care is simplified down to two points.

John Mackey: The Whole Foods Alternative to ObamaCare,
Eight things we can do to improve health care without adding to the deficit

John Mackey, the co-founder and CEO of Whole Foods, offers some, uh, tasty and nourishing ideas.

"Read it all", as they say. These are exceptionally well thought out articles.

Posted by DonTillman at August 11, 2009 01:26 PM

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