'Been away from the blog for a while, so here are some random bits.
Facebook: I finally joined Facebook. So now I get to say, "I am so adding you to my friends".
Facebook Fun: And to celebrate, here is Facebook, the Electric Friendship Generator, an educational film about Facebook etiquette.
Scary Food: My boys are very picky eaters so I'm always open to new foods they might like. This brand new recipe might be the answer: Here on BoingBoing, and here, here and here on Livejournal. Mmmm, good. I'm definitely going to make some for the guys.
Business: Hey, my company is hiring. The company is Riverbed Technology, we make these appliances that speed up wide area network communication by about an order of magnitude (!!!), and we've been successful even in a hurting economy. (I'll claim it's a mostly Obama-proof business.) The headquarters is in San Francisco, and I'm usually in the Sunnyvale office. We're looking for excellent software engineers of various specialties, and my own group is looking for folks with serious web-based UI expertise (XHTML, AJAX, JavaScript, Python). So get in touch if I've worked with you before.
Electronic Music: It's the Banjo Synth! Make Magazine Online: The Banjo Synthesizer, with more details at Electronic Peasant: Banjo Pitch to Voltage Converter.
The Onion: One of the funniest things I've seen recently is this report: Prague's Franz Kafka International Airport ranks last on customer satisfaction survey. God bless The Onion.
Local Flavor: Here's a New York Times article about Silicon Valley called Searching for Silicon Valley which is remarkable in several ways. First off, as far as I know it's accurate (ba-da bing!). It's a nice overview of Silicon Valley. And for restaurants, it mentions the upscale Evvia in P'Alto in the same sentence as the hole-in-the-wall La Costeñia, which is a tiny taqueria in a back room of a wreck of a mostly empty Mexican grocery in Mountain view. The ceiling tiles maybe be peeling off (yick), but they do make unbelievably tasty burritos.
YouTube Auto-Tune the News #1 and Auto-Tune the News #2 are very funny.
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