Yet another reason that YouTube is wonderful; you can get access to material like this...
Here is the classic song "Children of the Revolution" as originally performed in 1972 by Marc Bolan and T. Rex:
Here's another version, also 1972, with Elton John and Ringo Starr (!!!) from the film "Born to Boogie". Note that this footage includes Marc Bolan's head inside a piano, jester cameramen, and stuffed animals:
And here it is as performed in 1986 by the Violent Femmes, from the album "The Blind Leading the Naked", complete with production by the Talking Heads' Jerry Harrison, a scenic tour of Milwaukee, a Friday night fish fry, beauty shop hairdryers, fish, and some fine marching:
(Also note that one of my favorite musicians, keyboard player Sigmund Snopek III, makes a very brief appearance at 2:02.)
And of course:
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