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February 11, 2009
You Can't Fool the Children of the Revolution

Yet another reason that YouTube is wonderful; you can get access to material like this...

Here is the classic song "Children of the Revolution" as originally performed in 1972 by Marc Bolan and T. Rex:

YouTube: T Rex, Children of the Revolution

Here's another version, also 1972, with Elton John and Ringo Starr (!!!) from the film "Born to Boogie". Note that this footage includes Marc Bolan's head inside a piano, jester cameramen, and stuffed animals:

YouTube: Bolan/Elton/Ringo, Children of the Revolution

And here it is as performed in 1986 by the Violent Femmes, from the album "The Blind Leading the Naked", complete with production by the Talking Heads' Jerry Harrison, a scenic tour of Milwaukee, a Friday night fish fry, beauty shop hairdryers, fish, and some fine marching:

YouTube: Violent Femmes, Children of the Revolution

(Also note that one of my favorite musicians, keyboard player Sigmund Snopek III, makes a very brief appearance at 2:02.)

And of course:

Children of the Revolution on Wikipedia

Posted by DonTillman at February 11, 2009 07:43 AM

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