October 17, 2008
Plants and Birds and ARPS and Things
I think this was in 1992. Scott Miller had invited me to contribute some bits to the recording of the Loud Family debut album Plants and Birds and Rocks and Things. (Which is a remarkable album, by the way. Certainly not because of me, I just did a few noises.)
Robert Toren shot some footage of the festivities and posted it to YouTube recently. So here ya go; enjoy!
The studio was The Music Annex in Menlo Park. Mitch Easter (REM, Let's Active) was producing the album. And being present there was a wonderful experience. I'm playing my classic ARP 2600 synthesizer. And my Mellotron is also visible.
Update -- a better copy of the clip.
Posted by DonTillman at October 17, 2008 01:19 AM
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