August 31, 2008
On ANWR, Cont'd
'Been on a business trip in Odgen, Utah, the last few days... back now.
In my August 6 blog entry, On ANWR, I pointed out the positive environmental effects of oil drilling in ANWR (!!!), and offered a land trade solution to address wildlife concerns.
Now I find this Ed Morrissey entry on Hot Air called Could a land swap solve the ANWR standoff? which notes this item in the Fairbanks News Miner
Sean Parnell, lieutenant governor and a Republican candidate for the
U.S. House of Representatives, proposed a land swap as a way of
opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
No, I absolutely do not believe this was due to my dinky little blog posting. But I am glad to see some movement along these lines.
Posted by DonTillman at August 31, 2008 10:23 AM
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