Yay, Ann Althouse has returned to Madison, Wisconsin. Ms. Althouse is a well known blogger and law professor there, and the Althouse Blog is a hoot. 'Highly recommended for the local Madison atmosphere, photography, clever writing, law issues, politics, and cultural references. She's been on a sabbatical in New York for the past two semesters, and while her New York posts were fascinating, it's the Madison material that I really like.
I went to school at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, many years ago. And while I haven't been back to the place since 1983 (possibly 1985? I can't remember), and I still have strong feelings for Lake Mendota, Lake Menona, Lake Wingra, the university, the capitol, State Street, the Vilas neighborhood, the local folks, the natural beauty, and all the midwestern charm.

When I get lonely for the place I can watch the Lake Mendota Webcam; it's a live view from the turret of the King Hall Soil Sciences building, across the street from the Lakeshore Dorms where I lived in 1978. And that camera is a short distance east of where Joni Mitchell shot the cover for the Hejira album (and it showed up again on the more recent Songs of a Prairie Girl compilation).
Google Maps has recently added Street View images to most of Wisconsin, including Madison and Milwaukee. Which strongly suggests that one of the Google Maps developers is from there.
Also the web tech biz seems to be surging in Madison:
Wisconsin Technology Network: Google joins Microsoft in opening Madison office
And here are some more Madison links:
The Capitol Times / The Wisconsin State Journal
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