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January 05, 2008
Democratic Party Presidential Candidate Drinking Game

Editor's note: I've been incredibly busy lately; a massive crunch at work, major rennovations on the house, crazed holidays, and, oh yeah, regular life. Not to worry, I'm still here. I've got about a dozen unfinished posts that I'll get out eventually. Sometimes current events incite a timely post that jumps out in front of the pack...

Evan Sayet's Blog is back in gear after an absence, and it's great. In his post "Who Are These Democrats?" he points out that the major Democratic Party candidates for president are all severely lacking in experience, accomplishment or any sort of proven skills. It's an important point and a valid criticism.

Evan describes how the candidates have been using the words "change" and "hope" in speeches and interviews instead of proposing any constructive, concrete, practical plans that have a chance of working. And Evan points out how utterly meaningless the words "change" and "hope" are. That's very insightful; when you think about it, it's hard to imagine words that could have less meaning. Especially in the context of someone who is auditioning for the position of running a nation. It's effectively saying, "I got nuthin'."

But recently it's become worse than that; the words "change" and "hope" have become the centerpiece of every speech and interview.

'Don't believe me? Okay, I'll propose the Democratic Party Presidential Candidate Drinking Game. The next time you see one of the major Democratic 2008 presidential candidates speaking (Clinton, Obama, Edwards), and any speech, event or interview will do, gather your friends 'round and listen closely. And every time you hear the words "change" or "hope", everyone has to take a swig of their favorite alcoholic beverage. And with each swig, reflect on how thoroughly meaningless those words are.

And likewise, I'll also suggest that if you hear a Republican candidate use the words "change" or "hope" in a remotely similar way, that they might not be worthy of your vote.

Posted by DonTillman at January 5, 2008 06:00 PM

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