July 21, 2007
The traffic in Mountain View was mighty fierce driving into work Thursday morning. My office is next door to Google (Google actually owns the building) and it's across the street from Shoreline Amphitheatre.
So I arrive and see the Building Maintenance Guy in the parking lot. And I ask him about the crowd...
BMG: Ozzy Osbourne is at the Shoreline. Don: Really? The Prince of Darkness is in town?!? Cool! BMG: Yeah. And there are half naked girls with spray paint on their breasts.
So there you go. (By the way, we're hiring.)
In other randomness:
WFMU (non-commercial New York radio station) has an amazing radio blog. Do check it out. http://blog.wfmu.org
For example, you can take the 80's pop music quiz.
Posted by DonTillman at July 21, 2007 10:35 AM
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