Last week Al Gore gave a talk about global warming and his new book The Assault on Reason. What kind of vehicle does the San Francisco Bay area Gore fan drive to a talk about global warming and reason? Local photographer Zombie provides the answer in the form of this shot of the parking lot during the event. (And who can't see this one coming...):
So let me get this straight... Al Gore flies in on a private jet to give a talk on global warming and reason, at a venue not served by public transportation (other than the occasional bus), and the audience drives SUV's to attend. Wow.
But there's more... Just yesterday Hillary Clinton came to Silicon Valley to speak about being elected president and her education plans. Hmm, how'd that go? Here's a photo from Yahoo News:
Oh man.... Hillary, if you want a job for tomorrow you're gonna have to learn to spell tomorrow. And that repeating-key-phrase-in-the-background thing that's so popular with politicians these days amplifies the error something fierce. Dan Quayle, all is forgiven.
It just gets sillier and sillier.
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