Assorted random musical links for you to enjoy.
It's January, and NAMM is in the air. And Barry Wood's NAMM Oddities never fails to deliver. (Thanks Chucko.)
A remarkably talented, and tasteful, 9 year old (!!!) guitarist plays Steve Hackett's Spectral Mornings. (Seen on the e-prog list.)
King Crimson Larks Tounges in Aspic at the Beat Club in Germany, 1972 or 1973. Wow. Unbelievably rare footage of madman percussionist Jamie Muir. (Seen on the Mellotronists list.)
Here's the motherlode collection of They Might Be Giants Video Clips. My personal favorite is the 1992 performance of "I Palindrome I" on Letterman.
Los Angeles Times article: Uneasy Listening -- Frank Zappa's Edgard Varese recordings may soon be released. (From the e-prog list)
Doug Self's Amplifier Institute is not always successful. (Thanks to Tim Brown.)
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