Last week my dad celebrated his 85th birthday with a cruise to Alaska with my sister's family and my family. We had a truly great time. 'Stops in Juneau, Skagway and Ketchikan.
I had never been to Alaska before, so this was all new. The terrain there is crazy; you've got unbelievably steep slopes coming out of the water, mountains, mountains on top of those mountains, and even mountains on top of those mountains. Mostly wilderness, not many roads. For one thing, it's really difficult to build roads on such terrain.
Gregor, Grandaddy, Christopher, Don on the cruise ship approaching Juneau.
(Three generations of TillMen.) Note the waterfall in the background.
In Juneau, the Tram takes us up the mountain for this view.
Way overcast, but it cleared up an hour later.
Watching a seaplane take off in Juneau. (See, it cleared up!)
Skagway, taking the
White Pass Railroad.
Gosh, it's a glacier! Specifically the Hubbard Glacier.
Same glacier, close up.
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