[Crap! My PowerBook fried it's main board last week. So I'm limping right now. Hopefully it'll be back soon. Folks; now would be a good time to perform backups.]
Hey, I've been invited to be a guest on Eric Brooks' Critic's Carnival, a locally produced interweb radio show on the progressive rock oriented The Dividing Line. The show is on this Friday, March 25th, from 9pm to midnight PST, and it should be a lot of fun. They're set up with a chat arrangement so you send off questions, topics and suggestions while we're on the air. (Note that you may need to download an application to hear the show.)
If you miss it, the Dividing Line archives shows for a week, so you can listen to it at a convenient time.
In the meanwhile, you might enjoy
Strong Bad's thoughts on radio.
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