The old
Mad Magazine
I grew up with is still published, in basically the same form,
although the current version is not nearly as endearing.
One of my favorite features of Mad was the Don Martin cartoons; weirdly grotesque characters, a goofy slapstick sense of humor, and most physical actions included a written description of an odd sound effect.
My old joke was, "I wonder what noise Don Martin will make when he dies?".
Don Martin actually did pass away in January 2000, cancer, age 68. (I don't know what noises were involved.)
Anyway, for your amusement, here is the Don Martin Dictionary of Sounds:
That's right; a Don Martin fan with a somewhat complete Mad Magazine collection and a lot of free time has put together the definitive index of Don Martin Noises. Both alphabetical and chronological listings are available. As they should be.
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